Getting to Know Your Vehicle
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Getting to Know Your Vehicle

Whether you just got your first car or you want to start saving money by taking care of your vehicle's maintenance yourself, this website is for you. Every article here is written to help everyday people understand the basics of vehicle ownership. As you read through our site, we hope you feel empowered to take simple repair projects into your own hands. For larger projects, we recommend following up with our professional resources so you can take the best possible care of your vehicle. With a little bit of time and support, you can get to know your vehicle and take excellent care of it.


Getting to Know Your Vehicle

Instances When Regular Truck Wheel Alignment Is Recommended

Sofia Curtis

Skipping truck wheel inspection and alignment is something no motorist should do. The reason is that road safety hinges on your ability to handle a truck while on the road effectively. Therefore, ignoring truck wheel alignment increases the chances of fatal accidents and affects driving comfort. It is the reason manufacturers and experienced mechanics advise truck owners to go for a wheel alignment every three years. However, there are situations where waiting three years might not be ideal, and only regular wheel alignment can keep your car safe. This article highlights conditions that call for regular truck wheel alignment.

Poor Road Conditions 

The roads you regularly use determine how often you should take your truck for wheel alignment. If you drive on highways and well-conditioned neighbourhood roads, truck wheel alignment every three years is acceptable. Conversely, it is naive to wait three years if you drive your truck on rough roads every day. Notably, daily exposure to potholes, rocks and other debris heighten the chances of damaging a truck's alignment. Therefore, ask a mechanic to inspect your truck's alignment every time you visit a service station of choice. Regular wheel alignment guarantees your safety and ensures optimal truck performance regardless of road conditions.

Carry Heavy Loads 

What do you primarily use your truck for? Your answer should determine the frequency of truck wheel alignment. For instance, regular truck wheel inspection, alignment and adjustments are unnecessary if you use a truck as a family car and occasional road trips. However, the requirements are different if you use a truck for commercial gigs, such as transporting heavy loads, to various destinations several times a week. In such a case, regular alignment is mandatory since heavy loads affect the wheels' camber, caster and toe angles. It is especially the case if you do not arrange loads on a truck properly for effective weight distribution. Thus, regular alignment enables a technician to identify wear and tear on a suspension system and the effect of heavy loads and uneven weight distribution on tyres.

Height Modification 

Increasing truck height is common among owners who want ample ground clearance or bigger tyres. However, increasing a truck's height without replacing the suspension system makes the vehicle susceptible to wheel misalignment. You can still drive the truck without matching suspensions, but you must take it for regular wheel alignment. Regular servicing keeps your truck in good condition until you get new suspensions. However, since regular truck wheel alignment costs money, do not wait too long to install a new suspension kit that matches your truck's new height.
