Getting to Know Your Vehicle
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Getting to Know Your Vehicle

Whether you just got your first car or you want to start saving money by taking care of your vehicle's maintenance yourself, this website is for you. Every article here is written to help everyday people understand the basics of vehicle ownership. As you read through our site, we hope you feel empowered to take simple repair projects into your own hands. For larger projects, we recommend following up with our professional resources so you can take the best possible care of your vehicle. With a little bit of time and support, you can get to know your vehicle and take excellent care of it.


Getting to Know Your Vehicle

Car Haulage Trailer Specifications That Really Matter

Sofia Curtis

Looking to rent or buy a car trailer for your car haulage? Transporting your car isn't an easy task, but using the right trailer can help you do the job safely and efficiently. With the huge variety of car trailer types on the market today, choosing the right trailer for your needs can be an overwhelming thing. But if you know what to look for in a car hauler, making the right decision shouldn't be a difficult thing to do.

Below are some key car trailer specs that you should be able to make out. 

Trailer Weight 

If you are like the vast majority of people shopping for a car haulage trailer, you most likely already own a tow vehicle. That vehicle is going to be a vital factor in determining what kind of trailer you should choose.

When choosing a trailer for your car haulage, you should be guided by the towing capacity of your tow vehicle. The combined weight of the empty trailer and the maximum load it can carry must not exceed the tow vehicle's maximum towing capacity. The maximum weight that a trailer can carry is called the trailer payload. 

If your tow vehicle has a towing capacity of 3500 kg, you can only tow a trailer that doesn't exceed that weight when it is fully loaded. 

Trailer Size

Car haulage trailers come in a variety of standard sizes to match the different load sizes. The size of the car (or cars) that you intend to transport will influence the decision on which trailer size you should pick.

If the right trailer size for your needs isn't readily available, then you can always have a custom one built for you.

Trailer Type

Car trailers don't just come in different load capacities and sizes; they also come in different designs and configurations. The two main classifications of car haulers are open and enclosed trailers. The trailer type you choose will depend on many different factors, including whether your cargo can fit in the trailer, whether it needs protection from the weather or if it needs concealed transport.

While open trailers are the most common means of car haulage, enclosed carriers are preferred in applications where there is a need to protect the cargo from prying eyes or the weather.

If you consider the above highlighted factors when choosing a trailer for your car haulage, you should be able to make the right decision. If in doubt, feel free to talk to a car trailer specialist about your needs.
